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Biographical data for:   KIM Taesung

Name: Kim Taesung
Gender: Male
Home Country: Republic of Korea
Graphs: 2024/2025 | Last 4 years
Results: Season 2019/2020
Season 2022/2023
Season 2023/2024
Season 2024/2025

Personal records:
500 meter39.86507/12/24Beijing CHNISU World Tour 3
1000 meter1:23.77006/12/24Beijing CHNISU World Tour 3
1500 meter2:12.53509/12/22Almaty KAZISU Worldcup-3

Classifications in season 2024/2025:
01/11/24Montreal CANISU World Tour 2Men
    500 m: 21st
06/12/24Beijing CHNISU World Tour 3Men
    500 m: 8th,   1000 m: 11th
13/12/24Seoul KORISU World Tour 4Men
    500 m: 8th,   1000 m: 9th
14/02/25Milano ITAISU World Tour 6Men
    500 m: 22nd

Results in season 2024/2025:
500 meter
39.86507/12/24Beijing CHNISU World Tour 3Quarterfinals 
40.25506/12/24Beijing CHNISU World Tour 3Heats 
40.52006/12/24Beijing CHNISU World Tour 3Preliminaries 
40.79214/02/25Milano ITAISU World Tour 6Heats 
40.80402/11/24Montreal CANISU World Tour 2Rep. Quarterfinals 
40.82101/11/24Montreal CANISU World Tour 2Heats 
40.93315/02/25Milano ITAISU World Tour 6Rep. Semifinals 
40.94115/02/25Milano ITAISU World Tour 6Rep. Quarterfinals 
40.96913/12/24Seoul KORISU World Tour 4Heats 
40.99501/11/24Montreal CANISU World Tour 2Preliminaries 
41.01614/12/24Seoul KORISU World Tour 4Quarterfinals 
41.06907/12/24Beijing CHNISU World Tour 3Finals, Final B 
41.22614/12/24Seoul KORISU World Tour 4Semifinals 
41.43114/12/24Seoul KORISU World Tour 4Finals, Final B 
41.96102/11/24Montreal CANISU World Tour 2Rep. Semifinals 
1:23.69707/12/24Beijing CHNISU World Tour 3Semifinals 
1000 meter
1:23.77006/12/24Beijing CHNISU World Tour 3Heats 
1:25.56408/12/24Beijing CHNISU World Tour 3Quarterfinals 
1:25.71913/12/24Seoul KORISU World Tour 4Heats 
1:25.94406/12/24Beijing CHNISU World Tour 3Preliminaries 
1:26.96515/12/24Seoul KORISU World Tour 4Quarterfinals 
1:29.06815/12/24Seoul KORISU World Tour 4Semifinals 
2000 meter relay
2:36.92607/12/24Beijing CHNISU World Tour 3Semifinals 
(REPUBLIC OF KOREA: Kim Gilli, Kim Taesung, Park Jiwon, Shim Suk Hee)
2:38.03127/10/24Montreal CANISU World Tour 1Finals, Final A 
(REPUBLIC OF KOREA: Choi Minjeong, Kim Taesung, Kim Gun Woo, Kim Gilli)
2:38.03615/12/24Seoul KORISU World Tour 4Finals, Final A 
(REPUBLIC OF KOREA: Choi Minjeong, Kim Gilli, Kim Taesung, Park Jiwon)
2:39.25301/11/24Montreal CANISU World Tour 2Quarterfinals 
(REPUBLIC OF KOREA: Kim Taesung, Lee So-Youn, Lee Jung-Su, Noh Do Hee)
2:39.54314/12/24Seoul KORISU World Tour 4Semifinals 
(REPUBLIC OF KOREA: Jang Sungwoo, Kim Gilli, Kim Taesung, Shim Suk Hee)
2:39.79325/10/24Montreal CANISU World Tour 1Quarterfinals 
(KOREA: Kim Taesung, Kim Gun Woo, Lee So-Youn, Noh Do Hee)
2:40.34203/11/24Montreal CANISU World Tour 2Finals, Final B 
(REPUBLIC OF KOREA: Kim Taesung, Lee So-Youn, Lee Jung-Su, Noh Do Hee)
2:43.34713/12/24Seoul KORISU World Tour 4Quarterfinals 
(REPUBLIC OF KOREA: Kim Taesung, Lee Jung-Su, Noh Do Hee, Shim Suk Hee)
5000 meter relay
6:42.04503/11/24Montreal CANISU World Tour 2Finals, Final A 
(REPUBLIC OF KOREA: Jang Sungwoo, Kim Taesung, Park Jiwon, Park Jang Hyuk)
6:45.11801/11/24Montreal CANISU World Tour 2Quarterfinals 
(REPUBLIC OF KOREA: Kim Gun Woo, Kim Taesung, Lee Jung-Su, Park Jang Hyuk)
6:45.50402/11/24Montreal CANISU World Tour 2Semifinals 
(REPUBLIC OF KOREA: Jang Sungwoo, Kim Taesung, Park Jiwon, Park Jang Hyuk)
6:47.06408/12/24Beijing CHNISU World Tour 3Finals, Final A 
(REPUBLIC OF KOREA: Jang Sungwoo, Kim Taesung, Park Jiwon, Park Jang Hyuk)
6:48.95926/10/24Montreal CANISU World Tour 1Semifinals 
(REPUBLIC OF KOREA: Kim Taesung, Lee Jung-Su, Park Jang Hyuk, Park Jiwon)
6:49.85825/10/24Montreal CANISU World Tour 1Quarterfinals 
(KOREA: Kim Taesung, Lee Jung-Su, Park Jang Hyuk, Park Jiwon)
6:50.43607/12/24Beijing CHNISU World Tour 3Semifinals 
(REPUBLIC OF KOREA: Jang Sungwoo, Kim Taesung, Park Jiwon, Park Jang Hyuk)
6:50.89814/12/24Seoul KORISU World Tour 4Semifinals 
(REPUBLIC OF KOREA: Jang Sungwoo, Kim Taesung, Park Jiwon, Park Jang Hyuk)
6:51.15006/12/24Beijing CHNISU World Tour 3Quarterfinals 
(REPUBLIC OF KOREA: Jang Sungwoo, Kim Taesung, Lee Jung-Su, Lee Seongwoo)
6:52.88427/10/24Montreal CANISU World Tour 1Finals, Final B 
(REPUBLIC OF KOREA: Jang Sungwoo, Kim Taesung, Lee Jung-Su, Park Jiwon)
6:56.32715/12/24Seoul KORISU World Tour 4Finals, Final A 
(REPUBLIC OF KOREA: Jang Sungwoo, Kim Taesung, Park Jiwon, Park Jang Hyuk)


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